Is Your Weed Laced? Bring It In, Police Department Says

Check out what the Arkansas police is doing to ensure your safety. Or your downfall. Is your weed laced? Bring it in, police department says.

Is your weed laced? Bring it in, police department says. For those in Arkansas, it may just save your life. Or ruin it. Most likely the latter.

Is Your Weed Laced?

A police department in Marked Tree, Arkansas is offering the opportunity of a lifetime! Just bring your illegal weed into the police station, and they will test it for the toxic and deadly substance fentanyl, free of charge.

The message, which was posted on the Marked Tree Police Department Facebook page, says if you think there’s a chance your weed could be laced, simply bring it down to the station. The chief and his staff will be happy to inspect your illegal recreational weed.

Over the past year or so, there have been reports of weed being laced with fentanyl – a drug that is apparently 50 times stronger than heroin. It’s a synthetic opioid and has reportedly been found in both black market cocaine and cannabis.

But here’s the catch: Arkansas is one of the strictest states in the U.S. when it comes to weed possession. So if this whole thing smells like a trap, that’s probably because, well, it is.

Arkansas and Weed

Although Arkansas recently legalized medical cannabis this past November, it still remains a staunch opponent of recreational weed. They are still somewhat strict regarding medical marijuana; they only allow it for 17 diseases including Crohn’s disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and PTSD. Additionally, patients have to be 21 or older to qualify for a medical card.

When it comes to simple possession without a medical marijuana license, there are few states stricter than Arkansas. With possession of anything under four ounces, the penalty includes up to a year in jail and a fine as high as $2,500.

If you possess anywhere between an ounce and four ounces, and you’ve been busted before, it is considered a felony. You can face a $10,000 fine and up to ten years in prison. Anything between 4 ounces and 10 pounds carries the same penalty, whether you’ve been previously arrested or not.

Finally, anything between 10 and 25 pounds also receives a fine up to $10,000 and a minimum prison sentence of three years. Those convicted could face up to ten years in prison as well. So basically, the Facebook post of “is your weed laced? Bring it in, police department says” is a classic catch-22.

Final Hit: Is Your Weed Laced? Bring It In, Police Department Says

So what we have here is essentially a sting operation geared toward the gullible. Obviously, laced weed is nothing to mess with, but you still have to be pretty foolish to fall for this one. If you’re buying weed legally from a dispensary, chances are you don’t have to worry about it being laced. In a state that’s fairly strict about recreational weed use, it’s probably better to play it safe. Don’t bring your weed to the police station, folks. It’s a recipe for disaster.

" Tim Kohut : Tim Kohut is Green Rush Daily Staff Writer hailing from New York. His hobbies include (but are not limited to) eating eggs, owning far too many cats, and watching Rob Schneider films. He’s a self-taught expert in the cannabis industry and hopes to share his vast knowledge with fellow weed-enthusiasts around the world.."