This Guy Trained His Bees To Make Honey From Weed

By training his bees to make honey from weed, Nicholas and his bees have created the world's first batch of cannabis honey.

The man who calls himself Nicholas Trainer-bees is becoming something of a legend among both beekeepers and cannabis enthusiasts. He claims he has trained his bees to make honey from weed. That’s because he’s been able to do what many have talked about, but no one has been able to pull off. Nicholas is a 39-year-old man who lives in France. In addition to being a beekeeper, an artist, and a locksmith, he’s also an outspoken supporter of marijuana. For the past few years, he’s been trying to figure out how to combine his love of cannabis with his love of bees.

And now, it looks like he’s figured it out. He managed to train his bees to make honey after gathering resin from cannabis plants. Check out the video below of his bees flocking to some sweet juicy cannabis flowers. “I have trained bees to do several things, such as collect sugar from fruits, instead of using flowers,” Nicholas said. “The aim arose for me to get the bees to obtain this resin.”

By using what he calls “a training technique whereby the bees collect the resin and use it in the beehive,” Nicholas and his bees have created the world’s first batch of “cannahoney.”

How Cannabis Honey Is Made:

Since this is such a new phenomenon, nobody’s had a chance to test this new honey to see how much of the first cannabis makes it through to the final product. But Nicholas says that his bees’ cannahoney brings together the health benefits of both honey and marijuana.

In fact, the idea of trying to get bees to make honey out of cannabis originally came from his personal experiences using marijuana for medicinal purposes. He said that as a child he got into a lot of trouble at school because he’s hyperactive. Eventually, he dropped out. But he soon discovered that cannabis could help him cope with his condition.

Recognizing that honey is another all-natural substance with tons of potential health benefits, Nicholas decided that honey and cannabis would be the perfect things to combine.

Before he obtained his first results, some people dared to say that marijuana was harmful to bees. He was entirely convinced that was not the case, but he had to wait two years until the project was well consolidated. And then he was able to demonstrate that the plants had no adverse impact on the insects.

“The bees that produce the cannahoney are not affected by cannabinoids because they do not have an endocannabinoid system,” he explains.

If cannahoney lives up to its name, it could essentially be the first-ever all-natural cannabis edible. And since Nicholas reports that his bees will take to virtually any strain, there are limitless possibilities for creating different kinds of cannahoney.

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."