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High THCV Products are Coming To California Dispensaries

High THCV Products are Coming To California Dispensaries
California Cannabinoids


High THCV Products are Coming To California Dispensaries

The rare cannabinoid is becoming a little more common.

For most people with any sort of vague understanding of cannabis, there are two main components of the plant that are utilized for consumption. First, there’s THC, or ∆9THC—the main psychoactive component of cannabis. Or in other words, the stuff that gets you high.

Then there’s the well-chronicled CBD, or cannabidiol,—the component with no psychoactive effects. Currently, CBD is legal in all 50 US states, due to its lack of a traditional “high.”

However, while most of us remain fixated on these two standard components, one company, California Cannabinoids, remains one full step ahead. They’re currently set to release THCV products, aka cannabis-infused substances containing a brand new compound most of us didn’t even realize existed.

At least, in this form.

High THCV Products Coming Soon

According to California Cannabinoids’ website, their line of THCV, or Tetrahydrocannabivarin-infused products, will become available this Halloween.

While there have been a few iterations of THCV products on the market, none have been as highly concentrated as California Cannabinoids’ line of products. According to its site, their THCV-infused vaporizers will contain anywhere between 25 and 30 percent of the compound. For comparison, most products on the market, albeit rare, contain only around 2% of the component.

“California Cannabinoids™ will introduce the first THCV-rich vaporizer to the Golden State this fall!” their website states. “THCV, which stands for Tetrahydrocannabivarin, is a natural compound found in the resin-glands of the cannabis flower. Our vape pens are 25%-30% THCV, and are cultivated with Soil & Sun, – and it’s coming to a retailer near you.”

California Cannabinoids will be selling their THCV extracts through two different products. There will be a ‘relief’ version, which contains both THCV and CBD. This particular blend is great for people who may suffer from anxiety, and need the additional CBD to counteract some of their high.

Then, there is the ‘Skinny’ version, which contains high levels of strictly THCV. So if you want to experience THCV in its true form, this would be the way to go.

So, What Exactly Is THCV?

THCV, which is relatively new, has been considered one of the rarest compounds found in cannabis—at least, until now.

Like THC, THCV remains a psychoactive component, with a few stark differences. In essence, it affects brain receptors in a slightly varied way, giving its user a unique experience, unlike any traditional smoking session.

According to a study by Steep Hill Labs, THCV is actually stronger than THC, but last much shorter. Studies have also shown it provides more of a psychedelic high than it’s traditional THC counterpart.

Additionally, California Cannabinoids’ site describes the effects as more of a clean high, without all of the mental fogginess of classic cannabis.

The website also lists some of the benefits of THCV, which include healthy weight-loss, bone growth, and a blood sugar supporter.

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