C Jamm, Korean Rap Star Arrested For Smoking Weed

After the police found weed in his apartment and he tested positive for THC, rapper C Jamm was thrown in jail.

Linchpins/Wikimedia Commons

Korean rap star C Jamm is under investigation for years of smoking weed. And for the past month, Korean authorities have been holding him in prison as he awaits trial. Here’s a look at the charges facing C Jamm, or anyone who smokes weed, in one of the world’s least 4/20 friendly countries.

A Korean Rap Star’s Quick Rise To Fame

C Jamm is one of the biggest names in Korean rap.

He became famous after appearing on Korean rap TV show, Show Me the Money. He came in second place on Season 5, as his longtime friend, BewhY, took first. Since then, the 25-year-old star, born Ryu Sung-min, has released an album, a host of singles and won Best Rap Performance at the Mnet Asian Music Awards in 2016.

C Jamm Was Busted For Smoking Weed

Though a rapper smoking the herb is anything but surprising in North America, testing positive for THC is a big deal in South Korea. In April, police arrested C Jamm along with fellow Show Me the Money contestant Bill Stax and six others on the same charge: smoking weed in his Seoul home. In it, they found 29 grams of marijuana according to the Korean Herald.

The two stars are facing charges for smoking weed “many times” since 2015. The Gyeonggi Nambu Provincial Police Agency’s Drug Investigation Unit released a public statement today. In it, they explain, “It is true that the cases of C Jamm and VASCO violating drug laws have been forwarded to the prosecution. We are currently investigating the suppliers.”

And C Jamm has already confessed to smoking weed while in custody. He also allegedly tested positive for marijuana.

Authorities are currently holding C Jamm at the Suwon Detention Center.

His Music Agency Released a Public Apology

Just Music, a Korean Hip-Hop group, counts C Jamm and Bill Stax as two of its most popular members. On their website, the agency published a much-anticipated comment.

It reads, “First, we deliver a sincere apology for the displeasing incident. Our artists C Jamm and Bill Stax admitted their actions and are taking responsibility for them. Our agency will give an even more thorough care for our artists from now on and create an environment where the musicians can focus.”

Smoking Weed In Korea Is A Big Deal

If you can’t tell from all the press surrounding C Jamm’s arrest, even famous rap stars aren’t exempt from Korea’s strict anti-marijuana laws. Police officials can drug test anyone at any time in South Korea.
Even if you don’t have marijuana on you, you can still be arrested for testing positive for THC. This can mean fines and even jail time.
But C Jamm doesn’t seem too worried. His last photo on Instagram has the caption: “I’m going to finish recording before I go in 🐵.”

" Burgess Powell : Burgess Powell is a writer for Green Rush Daily based in New York. She writes about marijuana news, culture, and health.."