7 Things Women Who Smoke Weed are Sick of Hearing

As any weed lover knows, sooner or later, they’re going to have to face some pretty awful stereotypes. Since the beginning, stoners have been called everything from stupid to lazy. They are even sometimes painted as being sex-crazed, violent lunatics in old exploitation films like Reefer Madness. But for women who smoke weed, things go a little further than that. The criticism is often steeped in sexism.

Not only is it incredibly obnoxious, it’s hurtful and damaging to women and cannabis as a whole. So knock it off already! Here are 7 things that women who smoke weed are absolutely sick of hearing!

7. “Are You Sure You Can Handle That Joint, Honey?”

Newsflash, we women can not only roll amazing joints and blunts, thank you very much, we also run our own cannabis businesses. The stereotype of a woman not being able to properly pull a bong, roll a joint, or identify a good strain just because she’s female is total nonsense. Women are weed business owners and big buyers. It’d be pretty hard to be the voice of the cannabis revolution unless you knew your way around good bud. So please, don’t assume that stoner girl you know isn’t as knowledgeable about sativas as her stoner boyfriend.

6. “But You’re a Mother!”

Smoking weed has nothing to do with being a good or a bad parent. Unfairly labeling weed-loving moms or moms-to-be as “bad” is super harmful. While it’s not advisable at all to smoke during pregnancy, research supports using CBD oils to relieve nausea, stress, and other symptoms. And pro-cannabis mothers can be wonderful role models for their kids. It takes a lot of guts to stand up for what you believe in, even if most of the country seems to be against it.

5. “You Smoke? You Must Be Lazy and Unproductive”

If there’s one thing all weed lovers are sick of hearing, it’s this. But in a world where women make far less than men on average, this stereotype can do serious damage to a professional woman’s career. It’s also totally unfounded. When used in moderation, weed can actually enhance creativity and productivity. Not to mention, it’s a wonderful stress reliever, and can help you focus on the task at hand.

4. “It Sounds Like You Have a Serious Problem”

Let’s get one thing straight: cannabis is not a problem. People who smoke, eat, and vape it are not a problem. Reinforcing this stereotype is bad for women who smoke weed in general, but also for patients who rely on it for medical purposes. Don’t assume that someone has a “problem” just because they enjoy using cannabis cream or getting high. And don’t unfairly single out women.

3. “She’s a Stoner, So We Know She Has Low Standards”

Some assume that women who smoke weed will go for just any guy (or girl) who comes along. But think of it this way: cannabis-loving women are extra choosy about which strain to smoke, or even which edible to buy. They also pick their pipes and bongs with care. What makes you think they’d lower their standards for a partner? So if you meet a woman who loves weed, don’t assume she’ll go for you just because she’s got a blunt in her mouth.

2. “It’s Okay When Guys Smoke, But It’s Gross When Girls Do It”

This one is just silly. Weed isn’t limited to male consumption and enjoyment. Nor is smoking weed in any way “gross.” But for some reason, women tend to get more flack for enjoying good bud. It’s unfortunate because weed helps with so many things that thousands of women go through, from pelvic pain and PMS to pregnancy. (Rumor has it, cannabis can even help you become a girl boss). And when did wonderful, natural weed become labeled as “gross,” anyway?

1. “You Must Not Care About Your Health”

Any cannabis fan knows that this critique is completely unfounded. Women who love weed, and men for that matter, enjoy a multitude of benefits from regular consumption. Weed can help with morning sickness, chronic pain, fatigue, and might even be part of the cure for cancer. Smoking weed is good for you. Not just physically, but mentally. It can help lower stress levels and decrease anxiety. This, in turn, can make weed lovers act more friendly, generous, and even better in the bedroom. And who would complain about a thing like that?

" Julia Rubin : Julia Rubin is a Brooklyn-based author. Her work has appeared in publications like the North American Review, The Lascaux Review, and Sierra Nevada Review, and she has written for a variety of online media companies like AllDay and Wetpaint Entertainment."