5 Tips For Spotting A Weed Investment Scam

Is a malevolent person about to play you for a fool? Here are some tips on how to protect yourself from weed investment scams.

4. Explore Other Options

This is an extension of research. But you need to look more broadly. Look at other, similar companies and organizations. Does your investment opportunity look similar to existing ones? Is it comparable to other, reputable companies? If it’s wildly different, or if the management representatives who contacted you keep going on and on about how their company is “different and better than everyone else,” chances are that yes, the company is different. But not in a good way.

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" Chloe Harper Gold : Chloé Harper Gold is a writer in New York City. In addition to cannabis, she is passionate about horror, science fiction, and feminism. You can find more of her writing on Horror Film Central, Feministing, and Twitter.."