Best Weed Strains For First-Time Growers

First-time growers need to start off with the right strain. If you do, you're much more likely to grow high-quality buds on your very first try.

One of the most important things for first-time growers is starting off with the right strain. And this list has the best of the best. In general, first-time growers should look for strains that are hardy and resilient. That way, even if you mess something up, the plant will still produce a good harvest.

As a general rule of thumb, indica and indica-dominant hybrids are solid choices. They’re usually tough and strong. Similarly, you should start out with easy to grow varieties. Save the premium seeds and specialty strains for further down the road, after you’ve got some experience under your belt.

To get you started, here are the best weed strains for first-time growers.

10. Hindu Kush

This strain is the perfect starting place for first-time growers. For one, Hindu Kush is an absolute classic in the world of weed.

This strain comes from the Hindu Kush Mountains, which run between India and Pakistan. And it’s been used to create tons of other strains and hybrids.

This is a pure indica strain. It grows well indoors using the Sea of Green method. You can also grow it outside if you have lots of sunlight. Expect it to flower in 45-50 days.


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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."