10 Most Common Mistakes When Growing Cannabis

7. Harvesting Too Early

You’ve germinated your seeds, transplanted them, and nurtured them to maturity. Now they’re starting to flower, and you’re getting excited as all those buds start getting frosty white with resin.

But be careful. Don’t get too excited.

At this point, the biggest mistake people make is that they start harvesting too early. Keep in mind that from the time you start seeing buds show up, there’s still another 25% of growth that will happen over the next couple of weeks.

Don’t start harvesting buds until all the trichomes are milky white.

6. Telling People

This is a classic rookie mistake. We know how exciting it is to grow your cannabis. But please, don’t go running your mouth and telling people about it.

Doing so will only bring unwanted attention.

If you have to tell someone, wait until the harvest is over. At that point, maybe you can break the news by sharing a little bud with them.

5. Starting To Early

If you’re growing outdoors, it’s crucial that you put your plants outside at the right time of year.

In general, June 1 is a good date to get your plants going outside.

It may seem counterintuitive, but if you put your plants outside too early, they’ll probably end up producing smaller buds. That’s because putting them outside too soon throws off their natural growing cycle, and they won’t start flowering at the right time.

Give your plants the right timeline by sticking with the June 1 benchmark.

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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."