Humidity Control: The Key To Growing Killer Bud

Growing weed isn’t as simple as sticking a seed in dirt and watering it every once in awhile. There are many factors to consider and neglecting them can lead to dangerous pests and diseases. One of the most important things to consider is humidity control. Having too high or too low humidity can lead to issues that will kill your whole harvest. We’ll go over why humidity matters and simple ways to control your grow room’s humidity levels.

Why Humidity Matters

By keeping an eye on your room’s humidity, you can make sure your weed survives to fill a blunt someday. In addition to keeping your plants healthy, correct humidity levels promote plant growth and quality.

In some cases, the presence of humid air can double a plant’s rate of growth. And this will help your plants produce the most potent bud possible.

There are a couple of tools you need to stay on top of humidity levels. First, you need a hygrometer to measure how much moisture is in the air. Fortunately, they are inexpensive. You can find them on Amazon for less than $10.

The second piece of equipment you need is a humidifier. Since these can get fairly expensive, it can be a good idea to make your own. It’ll save you money and keep your grow room under budget, all while giving you precision control over the room’s air quality.

How To Make A Humidifier

With a homemade humidifier, you won’t have to pay for the electricity that store-bought humidifiers require. Not only that, but you’ll avoid some of the problems that growers sometimes run into when they use commercial humidifiers.

Some humidifiers spray water droplets into the air, and this can lead to the growth and spread of harmful bacterias and molds. If you have a humidifier like this, you’ll have to regularly clean your room and your plants to ensure they’re healthy.

On the bright side, you can make a humidifier with easy-to-find household items. Grab whatever bowls, towels, and coat hangers you can spare.

Once you’ve got all your materials ready, fill the bowl with water. Then you can take your towel and hang it above the bowl so that the bottom half is submerged and the top half isn’t.

Use the towel acts as a wick, soaking up the water and dispersing it into the air.

Tip: Make sure you change the towel and wash the bowl every few days to prevent any mold or bacteria from building up and spreading.

Measuring Humidity

It’s important to monitor the humidity levels in your grow room often. Simply having humid air isn’t enough. As your plants grow they require different levels of humidity at different stages of growth.

Once you’ve got your humidifier set up, use your hygrometer make sure things aren’t too dry or moist.

Keep your eye on the hygrometer and make whatever adjustments are necessary to achieve optimal humidity levels. If you need more moisture in the air, use a larger bowl with more water, or maybe even multiple bowls placed in different parts of the room. You can then scale back as the plants mature.

If you don’t know what to look for on your hygrometer there are optimal levels

Young cannabis plants typically love high levels of humidity. Mature plants, on the other hand, thrive at lower levels.

Most growers pay attention to the Relative Humidity or RH when talking about humidity in a grow room.

RH lets a grower know how much water is in the air compared to the maximum amount of water that can be held in the air at the current temperature.

So for young plants in the vegetative stage 40-70% RH is recommended. Start your grow with 70% because a seedling doesn’t have roots to absorb enough water in the soil.

They get a lot of their water by capturing it from the air with their leaves. Reduce the humidity as it grows, so you don’t over-water your plants once their roots come in.

By the time your cannabis plant reaches the flowering stage, it will have a large root system for taking in water. During that phase, your RH should be between 40 and 50%.

Giving them more than that will lead to nutrient burn, mold, or worse. Giving them less also has it’s consequences unless it’s in the final stages.

In fact, some growers reduce RH to 30% when it’s closer to harvest because it forces cannabis buds to produce more resin.

Final Hit

You can grow way better weed by paying attention to and controlling your plant’s environment. This is why indoor grown weed tends to be more precise and clean. Their humidity is easier to control. As a result, yields tend to be bigger with fewer issues. Keep an eye on that hygrometer. You don’t want to find out right before harvest that you’ve got mold.

" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."