Keep Pests Off Your Weed Plants With These Household Items

Everyday Items to Keep Pests Away

Pests can lower the quality of your weed or completely kill a plant if left to wreak havoc. However, drowning your plant in pesticides isn’t ideal for the person smoking it or the overall quality. If you want to avoid potentially harmful pesticides, there are household items you can use to deal with this common cannabis growing problem.


If you can’t beat them, get them wasted. For some pests, you’ll need to take extra measures to ensure their entire elimination.

Using a mixture of water and alcohol you can kill bugs like spider mites. Best of all? It’s safer than using harmful pesticides.

Nine parts water to 1 part alcohol and you’ll have your deadly concoction prepared.


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" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."