21 Reasons Why Life is Better When You’re High

4. Everything is hilarious.

Almost everyone who has ever tried pot has had a case of the giggles. Deputy director of NORML, Paul Armentano has an explanation for this:

“Cannabinoids, THC in particular, alter mood because they activate receptors that are concentrated in various parts of the brain that regulate mood control.”

Weed can elevate your mood, and this may be the cause for reported cases of the giggles.

5. Food tastes way better.

After your first time feeling the munchies kick in you may have been excited to find out how much better food tastes like all your friends said it would.

The reason behind munchies is that marijuana affects the brain’s cannabinoid receptors in a way that causes an enhanced sense of smell which then stimulates appetite.

Our sense of smell and taste are closely connected to the point where people who lack a sense of smell usually have a decreased or no ability to taste.

This would explain why the enhanced sense of smell caused by ingesting marijuana simultaneously makes the taste of food more intense.

6. Pain relief.

CBD, the non-psychoactive component in marijuana is known to be effective in treating pain and inflammation.

This may be the reason many patients in medically legal states are turning to marijuana as an alternative to painkillers.

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" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."