21 Reasons Why Life is Better When You’re High

13. It may slow down the aging process.

THC is a powerful antioxidant and antioxidants are known for preventing damage that kills your cells.

This is just one of THC’s anti-aging properties and according to Neuroscientist and former researcher at the National Institute on Drug Abuse Dr. Michele Ross claims, “cannabis is the key to unlocking preventative medicine.

It helps protect your DNA from being damaged so that it can slow down the aging process.”

14. It can help you lose weight

According to an article published by NORML.org, cannabis users are less likely to be obese, get diabetes, and they have a lower body mass index than nonsmokers.

These results are probably due to THC causing an increase in the production of a hormone called ghrelin.

Ghrelin is known to cause an increase in appetite and speeds up the metabolism.

15. It makes mundane tasks more exciting.

Things we have to get done like cooking and cleaning seem to be made less daunting when high.

This is because of the increased levels of dopamine caused by a marijuana high.

Dopamine is released during pleasurable situations, so it’s possible that when you’re high, your brain is being tricked into thinking you’re doing something more pleasurable even if you’re just folding laundry.

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" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."