Why You Must Try A Cannabis Orgasm Before You Die

Orgasms are hard to obtain and even harder to duplicate if you’re with a dud of a partner. They’re sometimes a complete guessing game, like what to do, how do I touch, or does that even feel right? Relax orgasm lovers. A cannabis orgasm might just be able to save you and your big O.

According to science, people who are open to smoking marijuana are twice as likely to have multiple orgasms versus an individual who doesn’t smoke at all.

This study shows that cannabis smokers are 109% more likely to have two orgasms or more during sex. Damn those are good percentages!

For women and men, a cannabis orgasm enhances the sensations that are brought on by sex.

For women, the lasting feeling of orgasms is created by triggering receptors in the brain that give off pleasure and release euphoric sensations.

This release makes the orgasmic sensation longer and allows women to orgasm for a longer period.

For men and women, cannabis that is an indica dominated strain will trigger body sensations and nerve ending stimulation.

These body highs will create a more orgasmic and soft feel during sex and will create a greater feeling.

Therefore, when touching parts of the body that have high amounts of nerve endings a.k.a. the clitoris or penis.

Cannabis can also specifically help out the male orgasm by increasing sexual arousal. Also, in a most recent study, there has been no link erectile dysfunction and smoking cannabis.

According to a study, 4,350 men were screened for a relationship between sexual stimulation and marijuana use and there is no correlation between the two.

In fact, cannabis has been shown to increase male sexual performance, longevity, and an increase in sexual thoughts.

This also shows that weed smokers are horny AF.

Weed smoking singles are more likely to end up hooking up with someone on the first date, or first interaction.

According to a study, weed smokers are 30% more likely to kiss someone during a first time meet up.

Pot smokers are also the new sexy. People are more apt to pick a weed smoker over a cigarette smoker by over 75%.

People are also more likely to choose someone who regularly smokes weed over someone who heavily and socially drinks by over 78%. Cannabis smokers are the hot commodity.

Orgasms are great but are also a mystery most of the time. However, marijuana smokers are more likely to want to have sex, have better sex, and have longer sex. The cannabis orgasm is the way to go.

" Missy Amato : Missy is a Green Rush Daily writer hailing from Jamaica, Queens. She's a slam poet, writer, and cannabis enthusiast/connoisseur.."