9 Clues That Jesus Used Cannabis

While it's impossible to prove beyond all doubt that cannabis played a part in Jesus's life, there are some pretty interesting clues.

2. Religious Uses Of Cannabis

Along with the historical precedent for Jesus’s use of cannabis, there’s also religious precedent. For example, there are sacred Hindu texts that go back as far as 1400 B.C. that talk about cannabis as a sacred plant. And certain rituals and religious celebrations include the use of cannabis in various forms.

There are also some arguments that ancient Judaism may have involved the use of marijuana. In particular, some scholars claim that cannabis was used to make holy anointing oil. And tons of other spiritual traditions use cannabis and other mind altering substances. For many of them, this helps people tap into new mindsets and spiritual planes.

In fact, there’s a term for this. “Entheogen.” That word describes any substance that induces spiritual experiences. The point is that cannabis has long been used in spiritual practices. And that could very well have included some of the traditions Jesus was a part of.

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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."