Make Your Own Weed Flour And Get Baked

Weed flour is one of the best-kept secrets among serious edibles fans. It’s a great way to make all sorts of weed-infused baked goods. Yet very few people take the time to make and use weed flour. Weed flour is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a flour made out of cannabis. Regular wheat flour is just wheat kernels ground down into a fine powder. Weed flour is the exact same thing.

To get the best results possible, we suggest that you mix your pure weed flour in with the regular flour. That will allow you to use your weed flour the exact same way you would normal flour and get more or less the same results. Fortunately, making weed flour is a relatively easy process. We’ll walk you through what you need and what steps to take to make your own weed flour right at home.

How to Make Weed Flour

Step 1: Dry Your Bud

The key to this entire project is getting your bud thoroughly dried out. This sounds counterintuitive to most cannabis users. Normally, you want to store your weed in a way that will keep those nugs nice and sticky icky.

When you are smoking weed, the last thing you want to do is get your herb too dried out. But when we’re talking about weed flour, you need it as dry as possible.

Making flour out of your cannabis when it’s still moist could lead to some problems. The biggest one is mold.

If your flour has any moisture in it, the whole batch could get moldy. When that happens, you have to toss the whole thing and start over. So let your herb dry out all the way.

Step 2: Decarboxylate The Herb

Once your bud is nice and dry, break it apart and spread it out on a cookie sheet. Place it in an oven at 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Let it bake for 30 minutes.

During decarboxylation, the heat activates the cannabinoids in the cannabis. Most importantly, this step activates the THC so that it will get you high when you eventually consume it.

This step also helps dry your bud out. As long as it’s at a low temperature, you can let the plant matter sit in the oven to dehydrate fully.

Step 3: Grind The Bud

This is where you basically turn your dried weed into flour. When you are smoking weed, you should use a regular weed grinder. But for making flour, you need to get a finer grind.

We suggest using either a small electric coffee grinder or a mortar and pestle. The coffee grinder method is much easier and quicker. Plus you can pick one up for around $20 or so.

Put your dried out herb in the coffee grinder and grind it up. You want it to get as finely ground as possible. You’re done grinding when it looks like flour.

Step 4: Blend With Regular Flour

To take your weed flour to the next level, blend it with your favorite baking flour. Mix it at a ratio of one part weed flour to two parts regular flour.

So if you have 1/2 cup of weed flour, mix it with 1 cup of regular flour. Or if you have 1/4 cup of weed flour, blend it with 1/2 cup of regular flour. You get the idea.

Step 5: Store It

Place your finished weed flour in an airtight container. Store it in a cool, dark place. If you successfully dried out your herb, then you should not have any problems keeping this the same way you would any other type of flour. Pull it out and use it any time you want to make yourself some edibles.

An Important Note

The relationship between heat and cannabis is kind of weird. On the one hand, your ganja is worthless unless it gets enough heat to fully decarboxylate.

But on the other hand, too much heat will ruin the most important cannabinoids the plant contains. This is important to keep in mind when you are baking with weed.

If you expose THC to temperatures above 390 degrees Fahrenheit, you will do some serious damage. So when you bake with your weed flour do not go any higher than that.

This could require you to make some adjustments to your favorite recipes. But with a little planning, you should be fine.

Go ahead and use your weed flour to bake your favorite foods. Muffins, bread, pancakes, waffles, pizza dough, whatever you can dream up. Just be sure you avoid baking it at temperatures higher than 390 degrees.

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."