6 Ways To Cure a Paranoid High

6 simple steps that could nip your suddenly unpleasant high in the bud or better yet, prevent a paranoid high from ever happening in the first place.

5. The Black Peppercorn Trick

Munching on a peppercorn after you smoke seems to work for some people for some unknown reason. This is an entirely unsubstantiated rumor, though. Maybe it’s just placebo. This one sounds completely bogus. We’ll keep it just for the small possibility that it’s a real thing. We should just ask: Does this work for anyone? Write us an email. Try it! Tell us how it goes. Can’t taste too good.

6. CBD

This is real. Get a strain high in CBD if you’re at all concerned about anxiety. It does counteract some of the potency of the THC, but a little bit also helps to regulate the high and keep you from spiraling off into a mind loop of dread. No bueno. Too much CBD though and you might not get as high as you wanted in the first place. So like anything, it’s all about balance, mannnn.


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" Alex Seymour : Alex Seymour is a Los Angeles-based writer. He is writing this in the third person for some reason.."