Dankies: The THC Twinkies That Will Get You High AF

Mary Millus/Green Rush Daily

Dankies – THC Twinkies

Twinkies are quite possibly the most classic snack food of all time. Even though they contain way more chemicals, dyes, and preservatives than any sort of actual food, who doesn’t love that perfectly molded yellow sponge cake and that satisfyingly sweet cream filling? Twinkies are a not just a culinary accomplishment, they’re a cultural phenomenon. And now, thanks to some genius ganja engineering, cannabis lovers can have their Twinkies and get high at the same time. That’s right, they actually make cannabis Twinkies now, called Dankies. Welcome to the future of your dreams.

Dankies: The Best Edibles Idea Ever

The good folks at Happy Seed Edibles have finally done it. They’ve created a line of THC-infused Twinkies called Dankies.

These snacks are exactly like the Twinkies you still inexplicably crave every once in a while. But with one crucial difference. Each Dankie has been infused with enough THC to send you sky high.

Dankies are seriously pushing the envelope of what Twinkies are capable of. Not only are they slammed full of THC, but they also come in a huge variety of flavors, colors, and variations. Here’s a run down of what the makers of Dankies have come up with so far.

Vanilla Dankie

Happy seed Edibles

This is the classic Twinkie-style. A golden brown cake filled with vanilla cream. The Vanilla Dankie has 175 milligrams of THC. It’s Indica infused so you can expect a serious body high.

Marble Dankie

Happy Seed Edibles

The Marble Dankie is a hybrid all the way through. The cake is a twist of vanilla and chocolate. And the 200 milligrams of THC used to infuse this bad boy come from hybrid cannabis strains. That’ll give you a nice balance of head and body highs.

Jelly Bottom Dankie

Happy Seed Edibles

Start wth a classic Vanilla Dankie, add a red velvet bottom, and stuff it with a cream and jelly combo filling. Then top the whole thing off with 200 milligrams of Indica THC and you’ve got the Jelly Bottom Dankie.

Red Velvet Dankie

Happy Seed Edibles

Just what you’d expect: a delicious red velvet cake filled with a super sweet whipped vanilla cream. The 200 milligrams of Indica THC send the entire thing over the top, making this the creme de la creme of the Twinkies universe.

The Final Hit

Twinkies aren’t just for the munchies anymore. Thanks to Dankies, the classic cream-filled cakes of your childhood are now your golden ticket to a seriously dope high.

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."