Everyday Household Items That Will Help You Grow Better Weed

6. Egg Shells

Don’t throw out your egg shells either! There’s a way for you to recycle them and you’ll be rewarded with better weed.

Egg shells are an easy form of plant food for a couple of reasons. Most importantly, they’re rich in calcium.

Additionally, egg shells are a common type of kitchen scrap. Egg shells are household items that most people already have laying around.

That mean there’s always plenty of cheap plant food available. It’s crucial to feed your plants enough calcium since calcium deficiency can slow the growth of your plant. Calcium also helps improve the nutrient uptake by the plant, and it is needed for the root system to grow and develop properly throughout the

Calcium also helps improve the nutrient uptake by the plant, and it is needed for the root system to grow and develop properly throughout the life cycle of the plant.

To ensure your plant is getting all the calcium it needs, you can add egg shells to your growing medium. You can also mix them into your growing compost pile.

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" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."