24 Reasons You Should Smoke More Weed

Regardless where you stand on the question, there are a lot of reasons to smoke weed. Here are 24 of the best reasons why you should be smoking more weed.

Green Rush Daily

19. It Helps Treat Glaucoma

It’s a well established medical fact that cannabis can help treat the symptoms of glaucoma.

And the reason why has everything to do with cannabis’s effects on our blood vessels.

When you smoke weed, your blood vessels dilate. That means they get bigger, and this in turn allows blood to flow more freely.

One of the things this increased blood flow does is relieve the painful pressure that builds up in the eyes of glaucoma patients.

Scientists have found that smoking weed can decrease intraocular pressure by as much as 25%.

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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."