24 Reasons You Should Smoke More Weed

Regardless where you stand on the question, there are a lot of reasons to smoke weed. Here are 24 of the best reasons why you should be smoking more weed.

Green Rush Daily

18. It Sparks Creativity

Numerous artists have linked their creative brilliance to weed. For many people, the relaxed, less inhibited mental state weed provides lets them tap into new levels of unfettered creativity.

The only challenge when it comes to researching this is that creativity is a difficult thing to measure concretely.

But what we do know is that many of the cannabinoids found in cannabis interact with and stimulate different parts of the brain. This increases the flow of certain hormones and triggers increased activity.

All of this may be responsible for the free flow of ideas that make us feel like we’re tapping into new levels of creativity.

The best way to find out if weed makes you more creative is to give it a shot. Next time you get high write a poem or compose a song. See what happens when you let your mind roam free.

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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."