How To Approach Your Partner About Cannabis Use

New relationships are a whirlwind! These tips will help you successfully and tactfully approach your partner about cannabis use.

Starting a new relationship is great! You’re in that phase when you’re getting to know each other, learning about each other’s hopes and dreams, and you’re still able to surprise each other. If you use cannabis in any way, you probably want to know how your new partner feels about it. Here’s how to get the conversation going so you can approach your partner about cannabis use.

1. Look For Clues

Think back to your history with your partner, no matter how short it may be. Do you recall them mentioning cannabis in any way? If so, what was the context? Did they seem to talk about it in a positive, negative, or neutral way?

Analyze the kind of media your partner prefers. If you can’t seem to find any clues from any of your interactions, do some deep diving! Check out their social media accounts. Find out what pages they’ve liked and what Instagram accounts they follow. Think about the friends they hang out with the most. If their friends smoke weed, your partner probably does too, or is at least cool with other people doing it.

2. Communicate Effectively To Approach Your Partner About Cannabis Use

When it comes to trying to approach your partner about cannabis use, communication is the key. The only surefire way you can know how your partner feels about weed is just to ask. It doesn’t have to be one of those heavy conversations that start out with the dreaded “we need to talk.” You can just approach them with a casual, “Hey, babe, just wondering: what are your thoughts on weed?” If they like it, then great! If they’re neutral about it, or on the fence, it’s time to make your case.

You really just need to talk to your partner about your cannabis use. Let them know why you use it. Do you use it for medicinal or health purposes or for recreation? All reasons are perfectly valid, by the way. Just make sure you approach your partner about cannabis use like the mature and responsible adult that you are.

3. Research With Them

Invite your partner to research cannabis with you! This is an excellent way to approach your partner about cannabis use. Together you can check out various websites with all the latest information and news. Look up the health benefits, read through scientific studies about cannabis, and go through the various debunked myths surrounding cannabis and the people who use it.

If your partner is concerned about the smoking aspect of cannabis, hit up the web to explore different methods of consumption. Maybe your partner doesn’t like the idea of you inhaling burning plant matter or maybe they’re not a fan of the smell. Perfectly understandable. Why not show them different vaporizers or edible recipes? Now that cannabis legalization is becoming more widespread, more companies are flexing their innovation muscles. That means you have many more options than just rolling a joint or packing a bowl!

4. Explore the World of Cannabis Together

If your partner has never used cannabis before, maybe they’ll be intrigued by your conversation. If your partner decides that they want to try weed for themselves, be supportive. Help them determine whether or not they want to try Indica or Sativa first. Suggest a few strains. Teach them the proper way to inhale. Show them good weed etiquette, like how to corner a bowl properly.

Be sure to be 100 percent present and attentive to your partner the first time they get high. Keep a calm, loving atmosphere, and let them know that it’s totally okay to cough and get cotton mouth. Also make sure they know that it’s absolutely fine with you if they don’t like it, and if they ultimately decide that cannabis is not for them.

" Chloe Harper Gold : Chloé Harper Gold is a writer in New York City. In addition to cannabis, she is passionate about horror, science fiction, and feminism. You can find more of her writing on Horror Film Central, Feministing, and Twitter.."