8 Best Things To Watch When You Have Weed And Netflix

Weed can help you Netflix and chill, especially the chilling part. Here are shows and movies that pair perfectly with different cannabis highs.

7. Kid Cannabis

A movie based on a true story, Kid Cannabis details the journey of a geek turned millionaire drug smuggler.

This movie has a more accurate portrayal of pot use than flicks like Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle.

In Kid Cannabis, the bongs actually get cleared, and no one goes into some exaggerated psychedelic state from puffing a doobie.

What you’ll find feels real, they’re the real problems that face anyone taking the risk of dealing pot on such a grand scale.

The movie covers topics relevant to the drug trade like people who talk too much, competition, and consequences from law enforcement.

Kid Cannabis is hilarious at times and scary at others. The main character goes from a geeky kid to gun-toting drug lord seemingly overnight.

If you’re not in a legal state, this movie illustrates what has to happen for grade A weed to make it into your possession.

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" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."