Conan Found the One Weed-Related Thing Snoop’s Never Tried

Snoop Dogg is one of the most famous pot smokers of all time.

He’s right up there with Bob Marley, Cheech, Chong, Willie Nelson, and Seth Rogen. He might even be “higher” on the list than those names.

At this point, Snoop is basically the poster child for all things marijuana. All things except for one.

When the entertainer and world renowned “marijuana ambassador” was on Conan last night, Conan O’Brien actually stumped the king of cannabis.

“Last week we had a sex expert on the show, and I’m not kidding, she had a spray that had THC in it and a woman is supposed to spray it on her nether regions to increase pleasure and she said it’s becoming a big thing,” Conan told Snoop.

“Have you tried the sprays out at all?”

For the first time probably ever, somebody found a way to use marijuana that Snoop hadn’t already tested out.

“No sexual, medical marijuana tricks. None of that have I tried,” Snoop said.

But he did say he’s heard good things about lubing up with THC-infused sprays. And he said he might be interested in giving it a shot sometime.

It seems like Snoop finds a way to make headlines nearly all the time for something having to do with cannabis.

He’s moved far beyond simply making music about smoking herb and is now a big-time player in the up and coming marijuana industry.

Toward the end of last year, Snoop threw a huge “tasting party” where guests were able to try out his very own, super high THC strain “Tangerine Man.”

Then last month, he announced a partnership with a Canadian marijuana producer that could give the rapper-turned-cannapreneur a foothold in the Canadian market.

And when it comes to his status as a pot-smoking celebrity, Snoop’s never shy about trying to hook other big name stars up with some green.

He joked last night with Conan about blowing shotguns in Martha Stewart’s direction to help her “get her mind right.” Snoop also said he once spiked Larry King’s prune juice with a little cannabis.

Snoop even invited Conan and the rest of his staff—including the band—to join him in his trailer after the show for a little hang out time.

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."