Does Adele Smoke Weed?

Have you ever wondered if Adele smokes weed while rolling in the deep? You came to the right place to find out!

You’ve finally done it. You’re probably hanging with friends—maybe partaking in some of our favorite recreational activities, maybe not—and you started to wonder if one of your favorite celebrities smoke weed. Specifically, you’re wondering if Adele, one of the greatest performers of the 21st century, likes to enjoy the occasional hit. So does Adele smoke weed while rolling in the deep? Well, it’s a good thing you’ve come to the right place, you inquiring mind, you! We’ve got the answer you crave.

Who is Adele?

Born in London, England as Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, this mononymous singer-songwriter and 15-time Grammy winner is known for having some of the best pipes in the business. (No, not smoking pipes.) Besides her multiple award-winning albums and her love of singing karaoke in the car with James Corden, Adele also went down in history as writing one of the best songs for the James Bond franchise of all time. (Fight me on it.)

So the big question: does Adele smoke weed? Or does she pass instead of puff?

Puff or Pass?

According to the Daily Mail, Adele told the press she once avoided her friend pop star Rihanna’s concert before her own gig at Glastonbury in 2016 because she was worried she’d “accidentally get stoned” from pot smoke in the crowd.

“I’ll have no voice, I know it,” she jokingly said to reporters. “All that weed in the air—I’ll get stoned.”

Then again, tone is everything. So is Adele a secret toker?

It makes sense that the star would want to avoid smoke at all costs. Back in 2015, Adele admitted to a very public breakup with regular tobacco cigarettes after the birth of her son. The decision to stop smoking also coincided with a throat surgery she underwent in 2012 after suddenly losing her voice.

“If I’d carried on smoking I’d probably have died from a smoking-related illness and I think that’s really bad,” Adele told the press at the time. “If I was dying from lung cancer I would have potentially given it to myself and that wouldn’t be something I’d be proud of.”

While there is no correlation between smoking weed and cancer—in fact, it might help cure it—it seems like Adele has a reticence for smoke in general. So even if Adele was a habitual cannabis user before then, it’s safe to say she probably doesn’t hit the bong or the bowl now.

Final Hit: Does Adele Smoke Weed?

So it looks like Adele isn’t a weed smoker. And we can’t blame her: her voice is one of her most prized assets. It’s her instrument. We definitely can’t harsh on that.

But then again, Adele has only said that she doesn’t smoke weed. So is there a possibility that she consumes her cannabis in a different way? Vaping? Edibles? From what we can tell, there’s no evidence that she does—but there’s no evidence that she does, either. So Adele, if you’re out there and somehow stumble upon this article, hit us up! Inquiring minds want to know.

" J.E. Reich : J.E. Reich is a Brooklyn-based GRD staff writer and a former night/weekend editor at Jezebel. Their work has appeared in Slate, the Toast, the Forward, the Huffington Post, and elsewhere.."