Does Cameron Diaz Smoke Weed?

Does Cameron Diaz smoke weed? She might be hitting the Indica too hard because we haven't seen her work in several years.

You’re probably wondering: does Cameron Diaz smoke weed? She’s stepped out of the spotlight over the last few years to find herself. Cannabis has been used for spiritual purposes for thousands of years. Has she been lighting up and meditating since she put a pause on her career? Has she ever smoked weed to begin with? Let’s review the facts.

Who Is Cameron Diaz?

Cameron Diaz is an American actress that has been appearing in films and television since the early 1990’s. Born in 1972 in San Diego, California, she modeled on a contractual basis with Elite Model Management. During this time, she was featured in photo shoots for Calvin Klein and Levi’s. She was even on the cover of the July 1990 edition of Seventeen Magazine when she was, in fact, seventeen years old. Her first major acting role was in the iconic film The Mask, starring Jim Carrey. Since then, she has been in on the silver screen for over 50 different projects. Diaz’s films total over $3 billion in the United States and passing $7 billion worldwide.

Despite this lucrative career, Cameron Diaz hasn’t been featured in a film since 2014. She said she was tired of the amount of traveling that comes with a job in the film industry. She has also stated that she didn’t know who she was and needed to make herself whole. Perhaps she is on a HIGH-atus. We’ve heard weed can help with self-discovery.

In February 2015, Diaz spoke about practicing Transcendental Meditation, “To have that tool now and to be able to go inside to the deepest part of myself and to access that and to recharge my battery internally, within myself, I feel so badass. I really do. I think it’s so awesome.”

Puff Or Pass?

So what do we know about Cameron Diaz smoking weed? We know that she knows there’s something about Mary Jane. In fact, she admitted to copping weed from Snoop Dogg when they were at Long Beach Polytechnic High School. Snoop even confirmed it! He said that he sold her “white girl weed,” which consists of mostly sticks and stems.

So was it just a high school and college phase? Not quite. In 2007, Diaz was seen sharing a joint on the beach with her BFF, fellow veteran actress Drew Barrymore, when they were vacationing in Hawaii. Celebrities: they’re just like us!

When she lived in California, Diaz liked to smoke weed on the beach too. In fact, she said that going to the beach “took two hours to get there on the bus. You stayed all day, ate corn dogs… we had only $2 for a joint.”

Sounds like a good time to us. Cameron Diaz has smoked weed and never tried to pretend otherwise. We haven’t heard anything about her quitting or any negative impact from it.

Final Hit: Does Cameron Diaz Smoke Weed

So does Cameron Diaz smoke weed? If she doesn’t smoke weed now she definitely did at some point. She’s never tried to hide that fact. If you handed her a joint, she’d probably smoke it. At least that was her policy when she shared that joint with Drew Barrymore.

" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."