Most Amazing Weed-Infused Foods Ever Created

6. White Cheddar Popcorn

The White Cheddar Popcorn from Korova Edibles contains a whopping 300 mg of THC per bag, so if you do indulge, don’t do so mindlessly.

It can be tempting to cram handful after handful of this fantastic snack into your mouth.

But pace yourself. Otherwise, you might be caught off guard by an especially powerful high. And when that happens, things can sometimes get a little weird.

With that said, this delicious snack is super light, savory, and salty. This popcorn represents weed-infused foods at their best.

5. Pizza Sauce

As if pizza couldn’t get any better than it already is, Clean Healing offers a special THC-infused sauce perfect for making a 10-12 inch pie.

If you’re looking to make weed-infused foods to share, this is a good thing to have on hand.

Bonus: The concentrates in the sauce are virtually flavorless and odorless. If you needed proof that people are putting weed in literally everything, here you go.

4. Wine

After a long, hard day, there’s nothing quite like kicking back and relaxing with a fine glass of wine. Paired with THC, it’s even better.

A California-based winery called Verdad Wines has created its very own “Canna Vine.” But alas, for now, it’s only available to California residents with a medical marijuana card.

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" Julia Rubin : Julia Rubin is a Brooklyn-based author. Her work has appeared in publications like the North American Review, The Lascaux Review, and Sierra Nevada Review, and she has written for a variety of online media companies like AllDay and Wetpaint Entertainment."