Most Amazing Weed-Infused Foods Ever Created

Ready To Explore The World Of Weed-Infused Foods?

When you think of weed-infused foods, chocolate brownies are probably the first treat that springs to mind. If they’re made right, they’re not only delicious. They’ll also get you super high.

It’s no wonder they are a weed lover’s staple. It was, in fact, Gertrude Stein’s girlfriend, Alice B. Toklas, who published a cannabis cookbook in the ‘50s introducing them to the world.

But you may not always have a sweet tooth. You might be more in the mood for something a bit more savory. Sometimes a big chewy brownie is just too much, but you still want to get high without having to smoke.

What if you could consume a plate of ribs drenched in BBQ sauce, and still enjoy a heady dose of THC along with it? How about a handful of sunflower seeds, or even a dollop of THC-infused agave nectar? A cannabis bacon cheddar biscuit?

It may sound crazy, but weed-infused foods are all the rage these days, and chefs and cooks are getting more creative now than ever before. From crab cakes to throat lozenges, it seems almost anything that can be infused with cannabis has been.

As sophisticated smokers know, cooking with cannabis is an art of its own, and it isn’t as simple as tossing weed into your brownie mix. In fact, the most potent forms of cannabutter are made by simmering for three days to pull out as many cannabinoids as possible.

Quick Tip For Consuming Edibles

Always remember to pace yourself when it comes to edibles, especially if you’re new to them. Some strange things can happen when edibles are in the mix, especially if what you’re munching on is particularly potent.

But don’t let that stop you. With so many options, there’s no limit to what you can do with edibles. With that said, here are some of the most amazing, most mouth-wateringly delicious weed-infused foods we could find.

18. Cannabis Crab Cakes

Craving some weed-infused seafood? At a CannaSpa event in Orange County, California, Chef Keion Taylor and Chef Cedric McEachin served up this unique and delicious nautical dish, complete with spicy mango relish, corn puree, and roasted tomatoes. Bon appetit!

17. Medicated Sunflower Seeds

If you’re not in the mood for a super filling meal or dessert, this one’s for you. Medizen Inc. now makes medicated sunflower seeds that you can enjoy as a healthy snack when you’re on the go.

Each bag contains 100 mg of THC. But the company recommends that you break that up into 10 separate doses. Enjoy these snacks slowly to get the most bang for your buck.


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" Julia Rubin : Julia Rubin is a Brooklyn-based author. Her work has appeared in publications like the North American Review, The Lascaux Review, and Sierra Nevada Review, and she has written for a variety of online media companies like AllDay and Wetpaint Entertainment."