7 Ways To Ruin Your Weed

Have you ever stopped to think about all the different ways to ruin your weed? Here are some common mistakes along with tips for avoiding them.

Let’s be real: There are tons of ways to ruin your weed. If you’ve been imbibing for a few years, you’ve probably ruined your fair share of bud. But no more! Here are the top seven ways to ruin your weed—and more importantly, how to avoid doing them. Say goodbye to unsmokeable pot!

7. Burn It

One of the most common ways to ruin your weed is by burning it. This typically happens during a smoke sesh, especially if you and your friends are smoking out of a pipe or a bong.

Torching your weed is a common problem. Thankfully, there’s a simple solution. When lighting the bowl, aim the flame for the edge. This is called “cornering, ” and it will save your green in more ways than one.

6. Soak It

It’s the golden rule of weed. Don’t let your bud get wet. It happens more often and more easily than you might think.

If you’ve ever smoked near a pool or while you’re in the bath, you may have accidentally dropped your weed in the water. It happens to the best of us. You can try drying it out, but chances are, it’s a goner.

5. Drop It

Have you ever been in the following situation? You’ve just finished grinding some weed to roll a joint or a blunt, you open the grinder…and drop it, scattering your freshly ground bud all over the floor.

It’s even worse if you drop it on carpeting. But, like Grandma always says, there’s no use crying over spilled weed.

You can try to salvage it, but you know the quality has immediately gone down. Plus, now it’s probably mixed with dust and carpet lint. Gross. Even worse if you drop your kief.

Don’t let this happen to you! Use a rolling tray to prevent catastrophic spills.

4. Mix It

One of the ways to ruin your weed is by mixing it with tobacco. We know, we know. Spliffs can save you money by reducing the amount of weed you smoke per session.

But when you combine your weed with tobacco, you put yourself at an elevated risk of developing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Also, in case you’ve forgotten, tobacco is heavily associated with cancer. And bad breath. Do you really want to ruin your weed with that nonsense? Didn’t think so.

Also, in case you’ve forgotten, tobacco is heavily associated with cancer. And bad breath. Do you really want to ruin your weed with that nonsense? Didn’t think so.

3. Freeze It

To maximize and preserve your pot’s potency, keep your stash cool. But never, under any circumstances, keep it in the freezer. Freezing your weed makes the

Freezing your weed makes the trichomes so brittle that they’ll break off easily. Thus, reducing the potency of your weed.

2. Spike It

You know how we said mixing your weed with tobacco is bad? Know what’s even worse? Mixing your bud with PCP and/or formaldehyde. Yes, some people do this. No, the cool kids are

Yes, some people do this. No, the cool kids are not doing it. Known as “wet weed,” this kind of spiked weed could lead to devastating consequences. It’s one of the more destructive ways to ruin your weed.

1. Neglect It

Plant neglect doesn’t just happen in the growing stage. If you don’t store your weed well, your stash will quickly become trash.

Always make sure you utilize proper storage techniques to avoid your weed drying out, or worse, getting moldy.

Final Hit: Ways To Ruin Your Weed

Now that you know the top seven surefire ways to ruin your weed, you’re armed with the knowledge of what to avoid. Don’t worry, newbies; veteran tokers have all made these mistakes before. So, if you’re guilty of any of these seven deadly sins, you’re in good company.

" Chloe Harper Gold : Chloé Harper Gold is a writer in New York City. In addition to cannabis, she is passionate about horror, science fiction, and feminism. You can find more of her writing on Horror Film Central, Feministing, and Twitter.."