How To Roll A Joint: A Step-By-Step Guide

Want to learn how to roll a joint? Here's a step-by-step guide on how to roll the easiest and most common joint.

Mary Millus/Green Rush Daily

Introduction To Rolling Joints

Every self-sufficient stoner should know how to roll a joint. Joint rollers can save the day at a party or gathering that has weed and no smoking devices. Joints can be rolled in several ways. Two of the easiest and most common joint rolls are the cones and straight cigarette-style. We’ll give you the step-by-step tutorial on how to roll a joint.

Step 1: Pick The Right Rolling Papers

You need to pick your joint rolling papers before you get things rolling. This is important because some companies use chemicals during the production of their papers. Bleaches like chlorine and calcium carbonate are sometimes used to make papers burn slower. Several papers and blunt wraps contain potassium nitrate which can cause lung cancer and respiratory tract damage.

Thicker papers can cause oral and lung irritation. The thinner the papers, the healthier. The less paper there is, the less smoke you’re inhaling overall. Hemp and Rice papers are popular healthy paper choices. They are usually thin,  unbleached, and chemical-free. Natural gums like sugar gum make safer adhesives than harsh chemical glues. So if you want to be a healthy joint smoker, look for natural chemical-free papers with natural gum adhesives to smoke.

If you plan to roll a joint for solo session the 1 and 1/4 size will probably suit you best. If you’re smoking with extra buds king size papers are your friends.

After you’ve got your papers and marijuana, you’ve got everything you need. You can also use a grinder, but a lack of one won’t prevent you from rolling the perfect joint. Filter tips are an excellent addition to joints as well. They prevent the weed from soaring into your throat and allow you to finish your joint without burning a finger. Our list of the 10 Best Rolling Papers.

Step 2: Grind Your Weed

Grind your weed with a grinder or use your hands to break nugs down as small and evenly as you can. You can also use a shot glass and some scissors to grind up if you don’t have a grinder and don’t want sticky fingers.

Step 3: Roll It Up

Grab a sheet of rolling paper, if you’re going to use paper or glass filter tip, place it at one end of the papers crease. Evenly distribute the ground up weed across the papers crease.

The motion to roll it up is called a tuck and roll. Use your thumbs on each end of the joint to roll up and down until the weed takes on a cylindrical shape.

Once you’ve got a cylinder of weed in your papers, tightly roll the non-adhesive side of the paper around the weed. Continue to roll keeping the weed as close to the paper as possible. Any gaps will cause your joint to “canoe” or burn unevenly. Your joints will get tighter as you practice and gain confidence.

When you feel you’ve got a tight enough roll to the end, lick the adhesive at the top and roll it shut. Run your finger across the adhesive afterward to make sure it’s sealed shut.

Step 4: Top It Off

You can make the joint a bit tighter by packing in the end with a shoelace, aux cord, straw, or pen. There should be space for more weed after you pack it in. To take it on the go, lightly lick and twist the end of the paper shut. No weed is spilling out while you make your moves.

How To Roll A Joint: Do’s And Don’ts

Now that you know the basics of how to roll we’ll go over some of the do’s and don’ts for how to roll a joint.


Take your time on the tuck and roll. You want the paper to be hugging the weed as closely as possible. Do use a filter tip. The tip will prevent the weed from falling out of one end as you roll and when you smoke it.


Don’t slobber on the joint. If you get the joint too wet it’ll be easy to tear a hole in it. Either that or your friends will be grossed TF out. When topping it off don’t go too crazy because packing it down too tight will make it harder for air to flow. Then you won’t be able to pull it and get big hits of smoke.

Final Hit: How To Roll A Joint

If you’ve completed all the above steps you should be ready to smoke. Burn off the excess paper at the end before inhaling and enjoying your joint.

" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."