8 Ways To Put Your Leftover Stems To Good Use

6. Let’s Make Some Stem Art

If you simply aren’t interested in consuming the cannabis stems in any shape or form, how about creating some art?

A lot of folks find that weed makes them more creative. And making stem art could be a great way to pay homage to this particular benefit of consuming cannabis.

Bring out your inner artist and make some sculptures, weave something, or turn your stems into jewelry.

To weave baskets, you’ll need to soak the stems overnight in water so that they soften up and become easy to play with. You can even use hemp rope to tie together a hand-woven basket.

7. Those Barbecue Skewers Though

If you’re not looking to consume the weed or make art with it, how about some tasty kebabs? Just don’t expect a high.

You won’t be eating the stems, because, gross. But you’ll get a nice flavor in your grilled meat or veggies with cannabis stem skewers.

Soak a few long, straight cannabis stems overnight, or at least for a few hours.

After they’re dry and hard again, use them to pierce your meat or veggies. Throw them on the grill and enjoy the subtle cannabis taste these skewers will create.

8. Stem Bubble Hash

Making bubble hash is a solvent-less way to utilize your leftover stems.

First, wash the resin off your stems using ice cold water. Filter this water through special bags often referred to as “bubble bags.”

This method can allow you to produce some pure and potent bubble hash. Of course, since you are using plant materials other than flower, this version of it won’t be as potent as you might expect.

But it’s still a good way to get the most out of whatever THC remains in those stems. When you’ve got enough bubble hash to do anything with, you can either smoke it or vaporize it.


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" Nikki Sen : Nikki Sen is a New York-based writer from India. She has a Bachelors in Pharmacy and a Masters in Creative Writing, which she believes makes her super-qualified to write about cannabis. Also, she’s frequently found dating weed enthusiasts.."