Cannabis Could Literally Replace These 5 Prescription Drugs

Marijuana is so effective that it could completely replace a number of common prescription drugs currently on the market.

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3. Stimulants

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Stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin are commonly prescribed to treat ADHD, a disorder characterized by difficulty maintaining focus. They’re also sometimes used to treat sleep disorders such as narcolepsy.

The potential for misuse with stimulants is unusually high because of the effects they produce at large doses. Abuse of this sort can lead to intense euphoria, alertness, and concentration, leading many to become addicted to the drug quickly. It can also result in overdose, which can have such serious consequences as kidney failure, circulatory collapse, or even death.

When it comes to treating ADHD, marijuana has been shown to be an effective medication. This is true because of the plant’s ability to increase dopamine levels in the brain. Because dopamine is responsible for mental awareness, focus, and memory, the use of cannabis boosts the patient’s performance in these areas.

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" Casey Riley : Casey is a Green Rush Daily staff writer from the Inland Empire in southern California. He's been a long-time advocate for the legalization of the cannabis plant. Casey graduated from California State University in Long Beach with a Bachelor's in philosophy and a minor in religious studies.."