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OMG Arguments To Have With Your Anti-Cannabis Parents

"OMG" Arguments To Have With Your Anti-Cannabis Parents


OMG Arguments To Have With Your Anti-Cannabis Parents

You Can Overdose on Cannabis

"OMG" Arguments To Have With Your Anti-Cannabis Parents

Technically, yes, you can overdose on marijuana. However, the effects are not fatal and pass within a few hours without treatment. Symptoms include paranoia, anxiety, shortness of breath, pupil dilation, vomiting, increased heart rate, shaking, and disorientation.

This experience is called “Greening Out, ” and the only treatment is time, water, and a friend to keep an eye out. Death is extremely unlikely to occur. A fatal overdose would take 40,000 times the amount of THC it took to get high.

Meaning, if it takes you three puffs to get high, you’d have to puff 120,000 more times to overdose. The few rare cases of marijuana overdoses bring into question the purity of the marijuana and the health of the individual. Mixing marijuana with hard drugs increases the risk of an overdose. However, clean and pure marijuana will not kill you.

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