12 Simple Tricks To Get The Most Out Of Your Weed

Depending on your weed consumption method, you could be using a lot more than you need to get high. A high tolerance can also lead to consuming more than your body can process. Fortunately, there are tricks and techniques you can use to get the most out of your weed.

12. Store It Properly

Air will dry out your precious buds to the point where they turn to dust when squeezed. There is scientific evidence explaining why dried buds are not as aromatic as the live plant.

One study found that drying weed decreases the number of terpenes in the bud. As it dries, weed loses flavor, aroma, and potency.

If you do not want to smoke harsh, dry, flavorless weed with a lower THC count, use this trick to keep things fresh.

Storing buds in an air-tight glass container like a mason jar will keep the quality from dropping too drastically.

Also, keep it in a dark place to avoid any damage from sunlight. Proper storage will truly help you make the most of your weed long-term.

If you are buying eighths, dubs, or dimes and smoking it all in a day you have no need for proper storage. However, regular cannabis users will get more out of their weed if they do not let it dry out.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options for storage when it comes to cannabis.

11. Avoid Papers

One of the best tricks for getting the most out of your weed is simply avoiding papers. Joint papers are not the way to get the most out of your weed.

Imagine yourself in a smoke circle. You’re next, but the guy holding the joint is telling stories. So you watch the weed you could be inhaling smoke into the air.

This is one of the main issues with joint papers. There is pressure to keep hitting it when you are losing THC every second.

Even blunt wraps — which tend to burn slower than regular papers — are wasteful. Try a different consumption method on our list of tricks.


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" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."