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19 Things Only Pot Smokers Will Understand

19 Things Every Pot Smoker Will Understand


19 Things Only Pot Smokers Will Understand

Here are 19 things every weed smoker will definitely understand. These are some of the things that make the whole experience of smoking weed so unique.

10. Sneaking One Hitters

19 Things Every Pot Smoker Will Understand

There are a lot of times when you’re in public, but you’ve got to light up. And that calls for some covert smoking.

The ability to get high secretly and in public, so nobody knows where the weed smell is coming from, is a sign of true weed smoking prowess.

You know what we’re talking about. A properly executed use of a one hitter is a thing of beauty.

Pull out the one hitter, spark up, hold in the smoke, hide all the evidence, and discreetly exhale. Sure, everyone around you will smell it. But if you’re a pro, nobody will know it’s you.

11. Laughing

19 Things Every Pot Smoker Will Understand

At some point in your pot smoking career, you’ve been completely overcome by a laughing fit.

Suddenly everything that happens around you is hilarious.

And once you start laughing, you can’t stop. In fact, things get funnier the longer you laugh.

Before you know it, you’re caught up in a weed-fueled laugh vortex.

12. Bong Water

19 Things Every Pot Smoker Will Understand

Smoking bongs is one of the purest pleasures of consuming weed. But any seasoned smoker knows how nasty that water gets.

When you smoke a bong, the water does a great job of pulling out tars and toxins.

But when all that waste builds up, it makes some truly disgusting water.

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