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The 10 Most Important Rules For Joining A Smoke Circle

The 10 Most Important Rules For Joining A Smoke Circle


The 10 Most Important Rules For Joining A Smoke Circle

3. Whoever Packed It, Lights It

The 10 Most Important Rules For Joining A Smoke Circle

There’s lots of cute sayings to remember this rule by. “Pack It, Rack It”, “Greens”, “Roller’s Rights,” are just a few that come to mind. You get the idea. Whoever rolled, packet, stuffed, or otherwise prepared the smoke reserves exclusive rights to hit it first.

Of course, the roller can always defer to a comrade in the smoke circle. There is perhaps no greater measure of generosity and beneficence in the cannabis community than rolling a joint and passing it to someone else to spark. Make a habit of it, and your legend will be known far and wide.

Even so, it’s totally acceptable to spark it first for yourself. So go for it. The assumption is that you used your own stash. And since you did the work of rolling that perfect blunt, packing that glorious bong, or heating up that dab rig, you deserve your reward.

Plus, the roller usually has a preferred ignition method. Nothing worse than passing your masterly pearled joint to a total amateur who lights the thing like a birthday candle.

Pro Tip: keep an eye on the size of the smoke circle. If you go last, are you going to get the hit you’re looking for? If that seems to be the case, the best course of action is to get it going yourself!

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