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F*ck Adderall. Try These Strains for ADHD.

F*ck Adderall. Try These Strains for ADHD.


F*ck Adderall. Try These Strains for ADHD.


F*ck Adderall. Try These Strains for ADHD.

Harle-Tsu is the first hybrid to appear on this list. It is a mixture of the aformentioned Harlequin and Sour Tsunami, that is very high in CBD. It also has a low amount of THC, so it is a very relaxing and soothing high. It’s also a very subtle high, so you should have no problem staying calm and focused. There’s limited psychoactive side-effects, so your brain will be as sharp as ever. This is a particularly harder strain to find, but it’s definitely one of the more effective ones.

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