18 Problems Only People Who Have Eaten Edibles Will Ever Understand

12. The Floating Brain

It can be a little strange when edibles turn you into a floating brain. But it’s also a great time to really enjoy the ride.

When you feel yourself space walking, don’t worry about trying to figure out what’s going on. Instead, take a good look around.

Open yourself up to whatever new perspectives, ideas, and insights your floating brain might discover. Cannabis is known for inspiring creativity.

13. Is This Forever?

Time gets a little twisted when your on edibles. It gets even more twisted when you add that to your general state of being insanely stoned.

When that happens, you can easily start worrying if your entire reality just shifted. You might think this is your new forever.

And that feeling might not just be the paranoia of your THC-laced brain. It could also have some bearing on reality.

That’s because edibles produce highs that can last a really long time. If you’re used to the short and quick highs you get from smoking, edibles could seriously feel like forever.

14. Existential Crisis

Where am I? What am I doing? What happened to me? What was I saying?

These could very well be the ramblings of the stoned version of yourself. But weed edibles take things to a whole new level.

By the time that hard-hitting high smacks you, don’t be surprised if you find yourself going deep. And watch out for those super heavy questions.

Instead of asking yourself simply what you’re doing, you’ll be wondering what you are? As in, what’s my purpose? What is a human? What is life? Yeah, you know what we’re talking about.

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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."