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The 5 Most Anti-Weed States of America

The 5 Most Anti-Weed States of America


The 5 Most Anti-Weed States of America


The 5 Most Anti-Weed States of America

Utah also still treats marijuana offenders as criminals as well and according to SAMHSA’s data Utah is one of the top 5 anti-weed states. Despite this, Utah passed it’s medical marijuana bill earlier this year. this prompted proponents of legalization to state:

“We have a few weeks to re-educate and change the whole view of Utahns to realize the benefits of medical cannabis,” said Enedina Stanger. Her statement illustrates the fact that Utahns are opposed to the idea of legal marijuana.

The Final Hit

Although there are still some states resisting the legal cannabis movement, even some of the top 5 most anti-weed states have changed their laws to allow for a larger presence of legal marijuana. Legal marijuana may be inevitable as more and more Americans become aware of the plants benefits.


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