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21 Reasons Why Life is Better When You’re High

21 Reasons Why Life is Better When You're High


21 Reasons Why Life is Better When You’re High

21 Reasons Why Life is Better When You're High


16. It increases creativity.

Many artists have been open about their use of marijuana, and so many people associate the use of the plant with creativity.

Schafer and colleagues reviewed the literature on the effect of cannabis on creativity.

They suggested, “that marijuana produces psychotomimetic symptoms, which in turn might lead to connecting unrelated concepts, an aspect of divergent thinking considered primary to creative thinking.”

17. It makes music sound better.

Marijuana affects the part of the brain that processes auditory stimulation.

According to one article on why music sounds better when high, “test subjects were exposed to burning cannabis leaves, they were able to recall lyrics better, understand differences in sounds and other nuances that make up musical pieces and make rhythms sound better.”

So the music may not sound better but a high listener is more aware of the various components of a song, and this may lead them to appreciate the music more.

18. It can help you focus.

Dopamine helps in focus and attention. However, if you get too high you may put your dopamine levels too high, and this may throw off your focus.

You may have noticed the higher you get, the lower your attention span gets. This may be a result of the way marijuana changes your dopamine levels.

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