The Best Stoner Movies Of All Time

2 – Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)

Two dudes manage to form an entire plot around the most common problem ailing stoners everywhere: the munchies.

After lighting up, Harold and Kumar find themselves craving a White Castle burger. The film depicts them embarking on this journey and meeting with many comical obstacles along the way. Be sure you’ve got all your snacks prepared before turning one of these stoner movies on, especially this one.

1 – Pineapple Express (2008)

After unwittingly witnessing a murder, Dale Denton and his weed dealer, Saul Silver, go on the run to evade the dangerous killers. How were they discovered? Through their roach left at the scene, containing the rarest of marijuana strains: “Pineapple Express.”

This is one of those stoner movies that will keep you cracking up while on the edge of your seat. Plus, it will introduce you to one of the craziest joints ever conceived: the cross-joint. Get your rolling papers ready for this one if you’re brave enough to replicate the joint.


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" Casey Riley : Casey is a Green Rush Daily staff writer from the Inland Empire in southern California. He's been a long-time advocate for the legalization of the cannabis plant. Casey graduated from California State University in Long Beach with a Bachelor's in philosophy and a minor in religious studies.."