The Best Stoner Movies Of All Time

4 – Half Baked (1998)

Thurgood Jenkins, Brian, and Scarface team up to sell weed to get their friend Kenny out of jail after he killed a diabetic police horse by feeding it junk food. When their business venture gets too popular, though, the friends are in over their heads. The local drug lord gets tired of them encroaching on his territory.

Amid their stoner antics, Bob Saget playing an unnamed cocaine addict delivers the film’s most memorable line, reminding us all that weed isn’t like other drugs.

“Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck d*ck for coke. Now that’s an addiction, man. You ever suck some d*ck for marijuana? I didn’t think so.”

3 – Dude, Where’s My Car? (2000)

This stoner classic follows two guys, Jesse and Chester, and their journey to find their car after misplacing it following a night of intense partying.

Here’s another piece that many potheads can find relatable – forgetting where they put something. While it’s hopefully never been as big as a car, these bros manage to embody every possible stoner stereotype – and the results are hysterical.

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" Casey Riley : Casey is a Green Rush Daily staff writer from the Inland Empire in southern California. He's been a long-time advocate for the legalization of the cannabis plant. Casey graduated from California State University in Long Beach with a Bachelor's in philosophy and a minor in religious studies.."