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Famous People Who Smoked Weed On Live TV

10 Famous People Who Smoked Weed On Live TV


Famous People Who Smoked Weed On Live TV

6. Joan Rivers

10 Famous People Who Smoked Weed On Live TV

The late and great Joan Rivers is another example of famous people willing to blaze on TV. In fact, she once got completely blasted on her reality TV show. She started out ripping a bong.

She started out ripping a bong. From there, she hit a hand pipe while riding shotgun in a friend’s car.

Eventually, she and her friend got too stoned to drive. So they called Joan’s daughter and asked her to come pick them up.

When her daughter arrived, she got pretty much what you’d expect from trying to deal with two totally baked people.

On the car ride home, the two smokers nagged Joan’s daughter, chanting that they wanted to stop at a food truck for some grub.

But the antics kept going. By the time they finally got back home, Joan and her friend headed straight for the hot tub — with all of their clothes on.

From the looks of things, we can only conclude one of two things: Joan isn’t a regular smoker or that was some really good sh*t.

5. James Franco and Seth Rogen

10 Famous People Who Smoked Weed On Live TV

When it comes to making a list of famous people who love weed, you know James Franco and Seth Rogen would show up somewhere.

During the 2008 MTV Movie Awards this pair of celebrity weed smokers were given the task of presenting the award for the best summer movie.

While at the mic they pulled out a big bag of weed and a fat joint. Then, they proceeded to smoke on live television.

They joked that they weren’t really potheads and to prove it they smoked a bunch of “fake weed” on national television.

Judging by the fact that the cameras completely zoomed out to not show what they were doing, it was real AF.

Either way, these guys are some of the most well-known cannabis fans in Hollywood. Seth Rogen is especially outspoken about his love of all things related to weed.

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