Has My Weed Gone Bad? 13 Signs Your Stash Is Trash

8. It Turns Into Dust In Your Hands

Maybe, you think you’re in the clear. You’re so psyched you found an old eighth of weed, and it looks to be in pretty good shape.

But then you sit down to pack a bowl, and the nugs fall apart in your hands, turning into dust or powder.

If your weed crumbles as you break it up, that could be a sign that you’re dealing with weed gone bad.

Use your ears. Listen to your newly re-discovered weed. When you break it up, do you hear snaps? Or crackles and pops? If it’s the latter, that weed is bad.

7. Funny Taste

Keeping on with our tour of the senses, let’s talk taste. The delicate, subtle, earthy palettes of flavors and sensations that great bud delivers. If you don’t have that, you probably have a case of weed gone bad.

If you’ve made it to this stage, the taste will be a pretty decisive factor in the goodness or badness of your particular batch of old weed.

If it tastes metallic, plastic, or otherwise off could be a sign that the storage environment itself has contaminated the cannabis.

Sometimes, plastics and other chemicals from containers can leech into your stash, particularly after a long period of storage. A funky taste could also indicate mold you failed to notice earlier.

6. No Taste At All

Weed with no taste? What kind of sick, twisted universe would dream up such a thing? But seriously, if your weed doesn’t have any taste to it, it’s definitely weed gone bad.

Weed that has lost its taste is also probably dry, brittle, and without any smell. So what did you expect when you fired it up? Probably something, anything, better than nothing, right?

Again, the aromatic experience of smoking good cannabis is due to the terpenes, cannabinoids, and other molecules that make up the traits of the particular strand.

Over time, and due to sunlight and other environmental factors, these natural organic chemicals break down or chemically change due to oxidation. So yeah, your weed has gone bad, but bad in this case only means weak and not up to its original splendor.

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" Adam Drury : Adam is a staff writer for Green Rush Daily who hails from Corvallis, Oregon. He’s an artist, musician, and higher educator with deep roots in the cannabis community. His degrees in literature and psychology drive his interest in the therapeutic use of cannabis for mind and body wellness.."