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How to Make Your Own Cannabis Capsules

How to Make Your Own Cannabis Capsules


How to Make Your Own Cannabis Capsules

Filling the Cannabis Capsules

How to Make Your Own Cannabis Capsules

The next step is filling the cannabis capsules. A capsule filler is hugely helpful in this step, but as long as you’re careful, feel free to do it however you see fit. Here is a link to buy a Cap-M-Quick kit. Prior to starting to fill the capsules, take your microwave safe container and cheesecloth. Cut out a generously sized square of cheesecloth, big enough to cover the container and be held down with a rubber band.

This is what will be used to strain out the liquid for the cannabis capsules. Begin spooning out the liquid from the Crock Pot and putting it onto the cheesecloth. Allow time for the liquid to strain through into the container. Once it has all been spooned out, remove the cheesecloth, bundling up all the leftover bud. Squeeze any remaining oil that you can through the cheesecloth and into your container of liquid.

Once all of that is done, the cheesecloth and bud bundle can be tossed. Take your syringe and begin filling the capsules. Move slowly and be careful not to overfill the capsules. Once you’ve filled all your capsules, attach the tops. Make sure that when attaching the tops you listen for a click so you know that the caps are securely on.

And that’s it! Once all your caps are together, stick them in the fridge until ready for use. Note that the color of the caps will become lighter as the coconut oil inside solidifies, so there’s no need to worry. This recipe makes enough oil to fill about 50 caps, so adjust the measurements accordingly if you’re looking to make more or less!


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