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10 Things Smoking Weed Does To Your Body

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10 Things Smoking Weed Does To Your Body

Because cannabis has so many different chemicals, it produces a wide range of effects. Here are 10 things smoking weed does to your body.

6. Helps Heal Broken Bones

10 Things Smoking Weed Does To Your Body

The fact that cannabis may help heal broken bones is one of those amazing discoveries that most people haven’t heard about. But according to a 2015 study published by researchers at Tel Aviv University, this is exactly what cannabis does.

According to researchers, it all has to do with the cannabinoid called cannabidiol, or CBD for short. CBD is one of the chemicals in cannabis that affects the human body. But while THC gets you high, CBD doesn’t.

In fact, CBD may counteract some of the potentially nasty side effects of THC. And it’s also what’s responsible for a lot of cannabis’s medical benefits. And according to Tel Aviv’s Bone Research Laboratory, CBD could help in the bone-healing process.

In their experiment, researchers gave CBD to rats that had broken leg bones. After eight weeks, the rats that were treated with CBD showed marked improvements over other rats.

“We found that CBD alone makes bones stronger during healing, enhancing the maturation of the collagenous matrix, which provides the basis for new mineralization of bone tissue,” researchers explained.

Basically what they’re saying is that CBD helps the body produce the stuff bones are made out of. And that’s a good thing when you’re trying to heal a broken bone. Along with healing broken bones, CBD may be helpful in treating things like cancer, epilepsy, and more. Because of this, CBD products are starting to become a huge factor in the larger cannabis industry.

At last year’s Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo, CBD products and companies accounted for more than 20% of participating cannabis companies. Fixing broken bones is just one more reason why people are getting so excited about CBD.

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