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The Health Benefits Of Cannabis Juicing

Need a Boost in Your Beet Juice? Add Cannabis


The Health Benefits Of Cannabis Juicing

Cannabis Juicing

Need a Boost in Your Beet Juice? Add Cannabis

Beetroot isn’t the only healthy plant utilized when cannabis juicing. Cannabis is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and acts as a natural cleanser. You will get the taste and benefits of cannabis without the high.

In fact, many of the health benefits are missing when medical marijuana is smoked. Heating vegetables causes them to lose the majority of their beneficial enzymes and nutrients.

There are also ways to infuse activated cannabis with beetroot to make a beverage that’ll keep you high and healthy. In fact, you can mix an alcohol-based tincture to a beetroot juice when it is done blending. Just make sure to decarboxylate the THC.

“Only when you decarboxylate THCA, turning it into THC, does it cause psychoactive effects or “the high” most associated with smoking cannabis,” said Dr. William Courtney, a diet and raw cannabis specialist.

He specified that by heating marijuana “you are actually walking away from 99% of the benefits cannabis provides when you cook or smoke cannabis.”

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