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10 Hacks To Lower Your Weed Tolerance


10 Hacks To Lower Your Weed Tolerance

A high weed tolerance can leave you feeling unsatisfied. Fortunately, here’s a few weed hacks that can help you get your tolerance back to normal.

7. Exercise

10 Hacks To Lower Your Weed Tolerance

How it works: THC levels increased by 15% after a little cardiovascular exercise before smoking.

study in the Drug and Alcohol Dependence journal found that cardiovascular exercise before smoking allows you to achieve a higher high.

THC levels increased by 15% after a little cardiovascular exercise before smoking. The increase probably comes from the heart pumping thc through the body quicker.

Best part? It only took 35 minutes on a bike to achieve these results. That means the percentage could be higher with a little more cardio.

Exercise and cannabis can benefit each other. By doing more cardio you can better intake THC.

Furthermore, you’ll be less likely to be distracted by pain when high, allowing you to work out for longer.

It also helps to relax after an intense gym session. The post-gym pain can cause a person to resent the gym and not want to go back.

Fortunately, weed alters perception of time. So you won’t be stressing the amount of time you’re in the gym. You’ll be in the showers in no time.

Another theory is that you by exercising regularly you’re sweating out your THC.

However, a study by NIH found tolerance is determined by receptors in the brain so this is unlikely.

When attempting to detox marijuana, people exercise to speed up the process and sweat it out usually for drug tests. Not to repair their tolerance.

There’s no evidence that detoxing or exercise will change tolerance. However, you may be able to decrease your tolerance by being because cardio will allow you to absorb more THC from less weed. At the very least you’ll save some weed.

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