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10 Hacks To Lower Your Weed Tolerance


10 Hacks To Lower Your Weed Tolerance

A high weed tolerance can leave you feeling unsatisfied. Fortunately, here’s a few weed hacks that can help you get your tolerance back to normal.

6. Switch Strains

10 Hacks To Lower Your Weed Tolerance

How it works: Each strain has its own effects, switch it up to find out the differences.

Although they may be similar, each strain has its own effects. You might be missing out on some by smoking the same strain over and over again.

The first smoke out of a new bag is usually the best because your body hasn’t adapted to that strain yet.

Smoking on the same strain for 2 weeks straight can get tiring. Luckily weed is becoming more abundant so you can find variety.

Next time you go to the dispensary maybe skip on the top-shelf and try something with less THC.

If you don’t have a dispensary just try getting from another guy who has different stuff from your usual guy.

If you’re a heavy indica user, try using sativas for a little bit, so your tolerance for indicas is closer to what it used to be.

If you’re a heavy sativa user try the opposite or at least hybrids to avoid getting too sleepy.

Just make sure you’re cutting down and giving your CB1 receptors a chance to get working again.

Switching strains alone won’t do much for you if you’re going through a quarter a day.

Otherwise you’re wasting your weed and keeping yourself from reaching the highest of highs.

There are more strains than there are pokemon. Get out there and toke ’em all.

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