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18 Problems Only People Who Have Eaten Edibles Will Ever Understand

Hilarious Things You'll Only Understand If You've Ever Done Edibles


18 Problems Only People Who Have Eaten Edibles Will Ever Understand

15. Moment Of Regret

If You've Eaten Weed Edibles You'll Totally Understand These Weird Problems

When you’re deep in your edible-induced, existential dilemma, you’ll suddenly have a moment of clarity.

That moment when you actually regret eating the edible. It’s a love-hate relationship. Obviously, you love being that high. It’s why you did it in the first place.

But sometimes it all just becomes a little too much. That’s when you wish you only ate half the brownie instead of the entire pan.

16. Sleep It Off

If You've Eaten Weed Edibles You'll Totally Understand These Weird Problems

You can always just sleep it off. That’s what you do any other time you get way too high. Plus, you’re already completely spaced out and couch locked, so what else are you going to do?

So you just lay back, enjoy the ride, and let yourself drift off into blissful slumber. And it really will be some good sleep. Researchers have found that cannabis helps improve sleep in a couple key ways.

First, it helps you fall asleep better. It also helps you get longer periods of restful and restorative deep sleep.

17. Discovering That You Didn’t Sleep It Off

If You've Eaten Weed Edibles You'll Totally Understand These Weird Problems

When you wake up? That’s when you discover that you didn’t actually sleep it off. Somehow, you’re still sky high stoned. What the hell happened?

Once again, it has to do with how your body metabolizes cannabis when you eat it. Since weed edibles pass through so much more of your body, it basically gets you super stoned.

So much so that edibles often induce incredibly long lasting highs. Yet another reason to take things slow and pace yourself.

18. Not Learning Your Lesson

If You've Eaten Weed Edibles You'll Totally Understand These Weird Problems

At some point during that uber-intense edibles high, we all vow to ourselves that we will never, ever do weed edibles again. But give it a few weeks and things change. We decide to give it another shot.

We know about the waiting game and we know that we’re about to get smashed. But do we slow down? Do we pace ourselves?

Hell no. Because we’re committed to our weed and our edibles. So we go all out. And an hour later, moaning on the couch, we vow that this time we’ll learn our lesson.


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