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10 Ways To Clean A Grinder And Save Kief

5 Ways To Clean A Grinder And Save Kief


10 Ways To Clean A Grinder And Save Kief

It’s important to clean your grinder every once in a while. We’ll go into detail on how you can clean your grinder while saving your precious kief.

5. Liquid Metal Cleaner

Ways To Clean A Grinder And Save Kief

If you already brushed your grinder out or don’t care to save whatever is stuck in the corners, you can just use a liquid cleaner. There are products like 420 cleaner that are designed to clean glass, metal, and ceramic. You can use them to clean metal grinders at record speeds. 420 cleaner contains both a liquid solution and salt for scrubbing.

Before using it, shake it up, so there’s an even distribution of the salt and liquid. Separate your grinder and throw it into a ziplock bag. Pour just enough 420 cleaner that it is all submerged. Shake the bag up like crazy for about a minute. Check for any remaining residue. If anything is, still there, keep shaking.

Once you’ve got it clean enough take it out of the bag and run it under some hot water. Once the water running off the grinder stops bubbling smell it to see if any solution is still present. Rinse again until you can’t see any more of your liquid cleaner and tap it on a towel.

Use a paper towel or q-tips to completely dry out all the pieces of the grinder. Put it all back together and enjoy your grinder fully functioning again. We couldn’t think of a faster or easier way to completely clean your grinder.

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